Brown Eyes, Bright Smile,
Succulent Smell, Great Style
Long Legs, Long Hair, Nice Glare
It's all There....
Intelligence, glazed with a midst of adversity
World's aligned, and beauty formed from the cultural diversity
Like a Ray of Sun, you shine down so perfectly, a perfect you,
to help upgrade me from the regular me to a perfect me....
Encouraging, enforcing, Strong, with sensuality
Creative, a breath of fresh air, you defy the laws of gravity,
making my heart melt, with one simple touch,
I don't deserve you, but It was allowed, so now there's an us...
Making me realize that nothing else matters, when we're together
phones off, no one can stop our chemistry,
No one comes between us, that's out promise to one another,
and now I see that you, my love, are not like any other....
Adoring me for what I am, and not what I can be,
seeing you for your strength and your unique tenderness,
I give you all of me,
Like a Ray of Sun, shining down, so beautifully, I look up
and feel like this couldn't be me....
Around you is like an outer body experience,
without you I'm lost like an unresolved scientific experiment,
Giving me all I need, Any day you leave is the day I will not breathe...
All you want is me, and no one else interests you,
Don't really care what the others can say or do for you,
You saw my heart and said that this is what you want in life,
and I felt your sincerity; soon you will be my wife, and
we will live together in a Lovers Paradise, and we will cherish
one another Until the End of time,
Like a Ray of Sun, you shine so perfectly, blessed that God Made you,
A Perfect You to make a Perfect ME!
S. Reid

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