It's all over the place! This Color BLOCK! People are always using COLOR as a factor in who they date, marry, conceive with and befriend. Is it really this serious? What happened to the Content of Character being the main factor? How could one really expect to find true happiness when they are more focused on skin color/complexion? There is NO WAY possible for a person to fall in Love based on color. Understandable, everyone has their "thing" but when your "thing" consists of something as asinine as the color of someones skin, then it sounds like that someone needs to take a trip to the nearest psych ward because YOU ARE CRAZY!
Can someone please explain where this Color Block stems from? Do we date this all the way back to the days of slavery? And if we do, how come some of you can't get over an event that you weren't even part of? You can not continue to use the past to dictate your future! Yes slavery was an horrific time in history..But that's just it HISTORY! Some of you are looking too deep into a situation that is non-existent.
If I hear "I'm marrying Black because I want the traditional black family" line again I am going to body slam that person. Why must your family be based on Color? And if that's what you prefer, then please don't say that aloud because you sound ignorant and uneducated. Whether it's black, white, green, purple, pink, or "fluorescent beige" (Precious 2009), it doesn't matter LOVE is LOVE is LOVE!
This is affecting our youth! When Music Artists are using lines like "I only date white chicks they got good credit", what message is this sending to the people listening..? I'll tell you what it says..."No other races have good credit"...One, Two, Three...Ignorance! There is a solution to this, Don't Listen, but what happens when it's on TV: Don't Watch, Books: Don't Read, Advertisements: Don't Look, taking all of this away...You might as well lock yourself in a room throw away the key and listen to yourself wither away.
Utterly Ridiculous!
We have to do better, We have to grow up and grow out. We can not allow Color to determine our lives. Whatever you are holding onto that is enabling you from stepping out, GET RID OF IT! It's not healthy and it's not attractive. People have fought long and hard and this is not the thanks they should receive!
Much Love and Respect
S. Reid
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